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Day 2: Grand Rapids, MI to Oconomowoc, WI

 When I lived in England, I learned the saying - Start as you mean to go on . I thought about this as the hotel manager explained to me that he was calling because I had left my journal in the hotel room but he would be able to have it shipped back to me if I could provide a pre-paid shipping label. This was the second distressing phone call before lunch.   The first distressing phone call was to say that due to high winds expected across Lake Michigan, our ferry to Milwaukee was cancelled. I really like ferries and I had been looking forward to the ferry across Lake Michigan for weeks. We stopped at Panera for lunch and to discuss the situation. My lunch was a disappointing sandwich. And then there was a lot of highway south of Lake Michigan and around Chicago.  And Spotify kept slipping weird mellow folk music into my upbeat driving playlist. And then about 20 miles before Oconomowoc, the sky did this, and I think we will consider this the new start of the trip.
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Day 1: Bangor to Grand Rapids

2:45 Bangor Airport, Maine A journey of a thousand miles begins with packing. I like to make packing lists so that I can check that I have all the things I think I am going to want on a trip. I didn't do that this time. Mistake. But years ago when I was stressed about packing for a trip, an acquaintance observed.... "You're not going to a third world country." And I try to remember that now. There's very little I need that can't be replaced at a Walmart or a National Park gift shop.  Which is why I was so proud of myself when I double checked my bag at the airport and had all the important stuff.... Passport. Wallet. Laptop. Laptop charger. Phone. Phone charger. And then I was early enough there was no line at security.  And as I was putting my shoes back on, I remembered my earbuds.  I have sincerely sworn to be available for work calls throughout my trip. I must have my earbuds!! My generous neighbor and housesitter agreed to find them and bring them to me. 

We're Tripping!!

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Snow Tires, Snow Tired

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A Sudden Change of Direction: an Analogy of Dog and Life

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This Is Your Dog On Drugs

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