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The Blog Lives

Dear Reader,

It has been exactly four months since I last wrote to you.

I have found over the recent months that uncertainty about my job and summer living plans, as well as family commitments and social activities have left me little mental space for retelling amusing anecdotes or following the wandering threads of my own ideas.  In fact, I have sometimes wondered - as I have waited for some response (any response!) to a work email or tripped over the toe picks of my new ice skates or stared at the pink interior of chicken breasts cooked precisely according to the recipe or followed the advice of the GPS only to end up in exactly the wrong lane of traffic - whether there wasn't just ONE thing in life that maybe I was even a little bit good at.

So I say a sincere "Thank You" to each of you who has inquired about the future of this blog and told me how much you enjoy reading it.

The current state of my life is this:
On Monday morning shortly after my parents left New York for Tulsa, I left Tulsa for New York.  We had dinner together in Indianapolis at a Red Lobster surrounded by used car dealerships.  (Location, Location, Location...?)  On Tuesday I was warmly welcomed by my parents' lonely cat and slept in my old room surrounded by the pink heart wallpaper I picked out when I was 10.

I have received my next definite assignment from work, so I will spend the first week of June in Boston and the second week in England before heading to Maine for at minimum a 10 week stay.

What happens after that is anyone's guess.

Like many people, I do sometimes overreach myself and set goals that are beyond what I have the discipline and willpower to complete at a particular moment of my life.  This happens most frequently on New Year's Eve and when I change addresses.  This time, because I am making a (relatively) small move of limited duration, I have decided to keep my aspirations similarly limited: whatever else may happen, I will write blog posts on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Wednesdays and Sundays. Wednesdays and Sundays.
I will. I will, Dear Reader.
I will write to you on Sunday.

Yours on Wednesday,
~~ LeAn


  1. I wish your Aunt Florence were alive to read your Blog; she would enjoy it, as she was a writer herself. Godspeed! And give Ozzie an ear scratch for us :o)

  2. Nice to be able to read you again !

    Hopefully, I was still checking from time to time ! :)



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