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Crazy T-Shirt Lady

My mom's oldest sister did not own cats, perhaps because she traveled so much.  She was known in the family for bestowing interesting gifts, often acquired at international medical conferences and bearing the names of obscure drugs intended to cure diseases (thankfully) unknown to us.  Because she spent so much of her time in Taiwan, another popular gift was T-Shirts with incomprehensible English translations.

It has been suggested that since my aunt passed away a few years ago, I am now the appointed single-world-traveler-crazy-T-Shirt member of the family.  Since I am not a medical person, nor do I spend a great deal of time in Asia, I am skeptical about my ability to adequately fill this role.  But I will try.

At the Beijing airport, after spending the last of my Yuan, I had vowed not to spend another penny.  But that was before I saw this shirt.  One member of the family will be receiving this for Christmas - hopefully it's the correct size.  (Sizing may prove to be my biggest problem with this whole Crazy T-Shirt thing.)

The 24 Pastores of Taijiquan


  1. Les - size was never an issue for Aunt Flo. In fact, the more off the size was your actual body shape, the more likely you were to be the recipient. Aunt Grace

  2. LOL Aunt Grace!! I'll take the t-shirt though, I've been wanting something new for my wardrobe :) Lesley when you get time I would love to see some of the 1246 pictures you took....maybe shutterfly??? Glad you had a good trip!! One day we need to take Aunt Grace to Tawain Lesley:)

  3. That shirt is soo cute! :)


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