There is a store in Oxford called Blackwells. Inside is the Norrington Room, which according to the Guinness Book of World Records is the largest single room selling books. I confess to having bought 3 books from them last week.
I was in Oxford to attend the Zacharias Trust summer school, a week of seminars on Christian apologetics. Every time a speaker mentioned a title or author, I wrote it down with an * next to it. After going through my notes, Google Books has helped me compile a list of 25 titles. This doesn't include books I actually own, brought back with me from my latest trip to the US or books I've been meaning to read for a long time.
If you find yourself excessively interested in my reading choices, you can check them out at LibraryThing. I'll post the occasional comment on the books I'm reading and would love your suggestions, as well!
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